Lucas Song

Pokemon Professor
23 | M | Sinnoh

written by: alena formally known as rosie

Rowan Nakanamodo, Mentor, grandfather figureBarry (@TwinleafHotshot) best friend,Dawn (@FinalDayBreak) best friend,

Lucas Song

Age: 23
Birthdate: 0928
Pronoun: He/They
Laterality: Right Handed
Height: 5'8
Weight: Light

Lucas's story follows Pokemon Pearl in which he becomes the Pokemon Professor after Dr. Rowan Nakanamodo retires and moves to Kalo to assist Professor Sycamore with his mega evolution theory while Barry becomes the pokemon champion following his father's footsteps into becoming a battling tycoon and Dawn who becomes the top pokemon coordinator and fashion designer. While the others travel around the world, Lucas stays stationary in Sandgem Town to help assist and train new trainers who want to start their pokemon journey. Lucas holds onto his battling memories and journey with his two friends and inspires people to make friends and continue with their journey.


As Dawn becomes Top Coordinator, Lucas and Barry decided that they were not going to fall behind either so they each decided that they were going to become Pokemon Champion. During the Lily of the Valley conference, after a devastating defeat by Barry, he and Dawn supported him as he defeated Cynthia and became Champion of the region.

As he watched his friends continue to prosper, Lucas spiraled into a deep depression, feeling as though he would never become as strong as his friends or be anything. Going back to Sandgem Town with his heart broken and spirits torn to pieces, Dr. Rowan would watch over the man as he continued to diligently do his research. That is when he decided that he was going to retire to go assist Professor Sycamore with his mega evolution research, leaving his lab and his legacy to Lucas. Of Course, that brings a level of uncertainty but his friends were very supportive of this decision and helped him set up to be the new Regional Professor. After he graduated the Pokemon academy with top honors, he took over the lab and thus started his own journey helping other people with their own.

Darkrai Stand Event

During his research days filling up his pokedex for Dr. Rowan, an island was recently discovered, with uncharted pokemon. Lucas and his fellow research team went off to New Moon Island to observe the pokemon that lived there. Amongst one of the nights, Lucas went out on his own to lament to his own personal problems at the time in which he saw looming over him in the reflection of the water, the Darkness Pokemon, Darkai. As Lucas turned around, the shadow disappeared and Lucas was put under a deep slumber. In his dreams, he stayed there for 5 years in a never ending nightmare of calamity and despair that when he was found by the other scientist, he was never seemed like himself again. The scientist claimed that he was only gone for 2 hours and they were looking for him but Lucas felt 5 years added stress to his life. To this day, Darkrai looms over Lucas like a shadow that no one else but him can see. Only rarely would Darkrai come out and show themselves to others and would attack anyone that would step close to his host body. (Like Star Platinum would do for Jotaro Kujo.) It is uncertain to be sure that Lucas is even awake or alive from how different he acts compared to how he usual would be.

Writers: alena formally known as Rosie

Age: 23
Pronouns: They/Them

Would prefer to roleplay with people who are 18+ but does not mind minor interaction.

Source Art Works!

FC: Haesoo from Love or Hate
Art Style: Baekdam

SFW, sometimes adult jokes

Multiship with Chemistry

Please don't be a weirdo pedophile, lgbtqphobic, pokemon fucker, like relax man.

Triggers: Gaslighting. Lying, and Cheating

Preference; Please just DM me if you wanna do something, thanks.